首页 > 其他类型 > 关于金融贷款的违规行为 > 第6章 加强平台监管严厉打击违规

第6章 加强平台监管严厉打击违规(第3/11 页)

最新其他类型小说: 拿捏婆婆全家,懒媳妇也是团宠大秦:开局被贬,再见惊呆秦始皇悠闲地末日生活娇媳妇宠又甜:腹黑糙汉心尖尖星际唯一娇软血雌,乖乖露出獠牙末世:我穿梭两界成霸主八零:炮灰女配靠系统逆袭暴富啦校草的逆袭试爱:暖婚厚爱我在快穿世界,专治各种不服秦岭印象京兆府来了个女仵作星铁原神崩坏:米忽悠直播谍战:我当恶霸能爆奖励!参政皇后中国教练社会属性许可局离婚后开始为所欲为大明成化:开局先干掉亲爹朱叫门从甄嬛传侧福晋到如懿传太后

n. Through their correspondence, the detective managed to extract key information and evidence linking Lawson to the illegal activities.

Armed with concrete evidence, the detective coordinated with the local police force to execute the arrest warrant. The raid on Lawson's hidden operation took place at dawn. The police descended on a dilapidated building where Lawson was managing his illicit empire.

Inside the premises, they found a vast network of puters and documents, providing irrefutable evidence of the illegal lending operations. Lawson was apprehended and taken into custody. His arrest sent shockwaves through the city, signaling an end to these fraudulent app-based financial activities.

As the case went to court, the munity rallied behind Detective Thompson's efforts, grateful for his dedication to maintaining a fair and just financial system. The trial was heavily publicized, serving as a warning to those who sought to exploit others through su




